一、期刊论文: |
Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan, Numerical study of interactions between waves and free rolling body by IMPS method, Computers and Fluids, 2017, 155: 124-133
Jianhua Wang, Lu Zou, Decheng Wan, CFD simulations of free running ship under course keeping control, Ocean Engineering, 2017, 141: 450-464
Yumu Duan, Lu Zou, Decheng Wan, Numerical simulations of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser with different aspect ratiosin uniform and shear currents, Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 2017, 29(6): 1010-1022
Jianwei Wu, Xiaoyi Liu, Min Zhao, Decheng Wan, Neumann-Michell theory-based multi-objective optimization of hull form for a naval surface combatant, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 63: 129-141
Haixuan Ye, Decheng Wan, Benchmark computations for flows around a stationary cylinder with high Reynolds numbers by RANS-overset grid approach, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 65: 315-326
Hongjian Cao, Decheng Wan, Benchmark computations of wave run-up on single cylinder and four cylinders by naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver, Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 65: 327-337
Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan, Investigations of self-propulsion in waves of fully appended ONR Tumblehome model, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 37(12): 1345-1358
王建华,万德成,全附体ONRT船模在波浪中自航的数值模拟,应用数学和力学,2016, 37(12): 1345-1358
Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan, Detached-Eddy Simulation of Flow Past Tandem Cylinders, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 37(12): 1272-1281
赵伟文,万德成,用DES分离涡方法数值模拟串列双圆柱绕流问题,应用数学和力学,2016, 37(12): 1272-1281
Youlin Zhang, Xiang Chen, Decheng Wan, MPS-FEM coupled method for the comparison study of liquid sloshing flows interacting with rigid and elastic baffles, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 37(12): 1359-1377
张友林,陈翔,万德成,基于MPS-FEM耦合方法对比研究刚性与弹性挡板对液舱晃荡的抑制作用,应用数学和力学,2016, 37(12): 1359-1377
Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan, Numerical study on coupling effects of FPSO ship motion and LNG tank sloshing in low-filling condition, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016, 37(12): 1378-1393
庄园,万德成,FPSO船与低充水率下LNG液舱晃荡耦合运动的数值模拟,应用数学和力学,2016, 37(12): 1378-1393
Yuanchuan Liu, Qing Xiao, Atilla Incecik, Christophe Peyrard, Decheng Wan. Establishing a fully coupled CFD analysis tool for floating offshore wind turbines. Renewable Energy, 2017, 112, pp. 280-301
Chao Ma, Yi Zhu, Jiayi He, Chenliang Zhang, Decheng Wan, Chi Yang, Francis Noblesse, Nonlinear corrections of linear potential-flow theory of ship waves, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2018, 67, pp. 1-14
Xiaoyi Liu,Min Zhao,Decheng Wan,Jianwei Wu,Hull Form Multi-Objective Optimization for a Container Ship with Neumann–Michell Theory and Approximation Model,International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering,Vol.27,No.4,December 2017,pp.423–432
罗天,万德成,基于CFD的船舶横摇数值模拟与粘性效应分析,中国舰船研究,2017,第12卷,第2期,pp. 1-12
Tian Luo and Decheng Wan, Numerical Analysis of the Viscous Effects on Ship Rolling Motions Based on CFD, Chinese Journal of Ship Research, 2017, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp.1-12
彭耀, 张笑通, 万德成, 郇彩云,海上固定式风机基础的波流载荷数值计算分析,水动力学研究与进展,2017年1月,第32卷,第1期,pp.1-10
Yao Peng, Xiaotong Zhang, Decheng Wan, Caiyun Huang, Numerical study of wave-current loads acting on foundation of fixed offshore wind turbine, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 1-10
Decheng Wan and Muyu Duan, A Recent Review of Numerical Studies on Vortex-Induced Vibrations of Long Slender Flexible Risers in Deep Sea, Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, 2017, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 179-196
张友林, 邹璐,万德成,MPS-FEM数值分析带自由面的流固耦合问题,计算力学学报,2017,第34卷,第3期,pp. 330-335
Youlin Zhang, Lu Zou, Decheng Wan, Simulation of fluid-structure interaction with violent free surface by MPS-FEM coupled method, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2017,Vol. 34,No. 3,pp. 330-335
陈翔, 饶成平, 万德成,MPS方法数值模拟楔形体入水问题,计算力学学报,2017,第34卷,第3期,pp. 356-362
Xiang Chen, Chengping Rao, Decheng Wan, Numerical simulation of water entry of two-dimensional wedge by MPS, Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2017,Vol. 34,No. 3,pp. 356-362
Decheng Wan, Cheng Ping, Huang Yang, Ai Yong, Overview of Study on Aero- and Hydro-dynamic Interaction for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines, Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics, 2017, Vol. 38, No.3, pp. 385-407
程萍, 万德成, 基于重叠网格法数值分析塔架对风机气动性能的影响,水动力学研究与进展,2017年1月,第32卷,第1期,pp.32-39
Ping Cheng, Decheng Wan, Analysis of wind turbine blade-tower interaction using overset grid method, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 32-39
Bowen Fu, Lu Zou, Decheng Wan, Numerical Study on the Effect of Current Profiles on Vortex-Induced Vibrations in a Top-Tension Riser, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2017, 16: 473-479
Chengping Rao, Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan, Numerical simulation of the solitary wave interacting with an elastic structure using MPS-FEM coupled method, Journal of Marine Science and Application, 2017, 16: 395-404
Xinwang Liu, Decheng Wan, Numerical Analysis of Wave Interference Among the Demihulls of the High-Speed Quadramarans, Shipbuilding of China, 2017, Vol.58, Special 1, pp.140-151
Bowen Fu, Zhe Wang, Decheng Wan, Numerical Simulation of Vortex-induced Vibrations of a Top Tension Riser under the Effect of a Surging Platform and Currents,Shipbuilding of China,2017, Vol.58, Special 1, pp.87-93
Di Wang, Decheng Wan, CFD Simulations of Single Point Mooring FPSO in Waves,Shipbuilding of China, 2017, Vol.58, Special 1, pp.36-43
Bowen Fu, Decheng Wan, Numerical Study of Vibrations of a Vertical Tension Riser Excited at the Top End, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, 2017,Vol.2, pp. 268-278
孙涛,万德成,前置导管节能效果数值计算与分析, 水动力学研究与进展, 2016年11月, 第31卷, 第6期, pp. 651-658
Tao Sun, Decheng Wan, Study of energy saving effect for preduct, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2016, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 651-658
端木玉, 万德成,雷诺数为3900时三维圆柱绕流的大涡模拟,海洋工程,2016年11月,第34卷,第6期,pp. 11-20
Yumu Duan, Decheng Wan, Large-eddy simulation of the flow past a cylinfer with Re=3900, The Ocean Engineering, 2016, Vol. 34, No. 6, : 11-20
肖武, 杨亚强, 万德成,基于MPS方法数值模拟三维LNG液舱的晃荡问题,水动力学研究与进展,2016年11月,第31卷,第6期,pp. 697-705
Wu Xiao, Yaqiang Yang, Decheng Wan, Numerical study on liquid sloshing in 3D LNG tank by MPS method, Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2016, Vol. 31, No. 6, : 697-705
二、会议论文: |
王建华,万德成,船桨舵协同作用下船舶操纵性CFD模拟,首届“高新船舶与深海开发装备”创新论坛论文集,2017年2月17-18日,上海,pp. 66-78
张友林,万德成,无网格粒子法在液舱晃荡剧烈流动问题中的应用,首届“高新船舶与深海开发装备”创新论坛论文集,2017年2月17-18日,上海,pp. 47-65
赵伟文,万德成,不同折合速度下深吃水半潜平台涡激运动的数值模拟,首届“高新船舶与深海开发装备”创新论坛论文集,2017年2月17-18日,上海,pp. 133-142
Xinwang Liu, Aiqin Miao, Decheng Wan, Numerical Study of Resistance Performance of Super-Slender Catamaran in High Speed, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on High Performance Marine Vessels and China International Forum on Yacht Design and Construction Technology, April 28, 2017, Shanghai, China
Lurong Xu, Dongya He, Decheng Wan, CFD Analysis of Hydrodynamic Performance of Ship with Energy-Saving Devices, Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on High Performance Marine Vessels and China International Forum on Yacht Design and Construction Technology, April 28, 2017, Shanghai, China
Jianhua Wang and Decheng Wan, Wave Effects on Free Running Ship in Standard Zigzag Maneuver, Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies, Dalian, China, April 23-26, 2017, pp. 201-204
Xiang Chen, Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan,Effects of the Arrangement of Vertical Baffles on Liquid Sloshing by MPS Method,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1032-1039
Xiao Wen, Xiang Chen, Decheng Wan,MPS Simulation of Sloshing Flows in a Tuned Liquid Damper,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1009-1016
Jiawei He, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan,CFD Simulation of Flows around Finite Stubby Circular Cylinder with Free End,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1165-1170
Di Deng, Bowen Fu, Decheng Wan,Modal Vibrations of Side-by-side and Tandem Vertical Riser Pipes Experiencing a Stepped Current,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1213-1220
Zhenghao Liu, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan,Numerical Simulation of the Vortex-induced Motion of a Deep Draft Semi-Submersible Platform,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp.1221-1227
Xiaotong Zhang, Dixia Fan, Decheng Wan,Numerical Study of Oscillatory Dual Cylinders in Tandem Arrangement,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 96-103
Youlin Zhang, Xiang Chen, Decheng Wan,Sloshing Flows in an Elastic Tank with High Filling Liquid by MPS-FEM Coupled Method,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1077-1084
Bowen Fu, Decheng Wan, Zhiqiang Hu,Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a Flexible Cylinder Experiencing an Oscillatory Flow,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1264-1270
Cong Liu, Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan, Xinguo Yu,Computation of Wave Drift Forces and Motions for DTC Ship in Oblique Waves,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 144-152
Ke Xia, Yong Ai, Decheng Wan,Hydrodynamic Study of Wave Evolution Characteristics around Semi-submersible Platform in Shallow Water with Submerged Terrain near Island,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 161-169
Chengping Rao, Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan,FSI Analysis of Solitary Wave Interacting with Horizontal Flexible Plate by MPSFEM Method,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 263-272
Yong Ai, Decheng Wan, Changhong Hu,Effects of Inter-Turbines Spacing on Aerodynamics for Wind Farms Based on Actuator Line Model,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 386-394
Yang Huang, Decheng Wan, Changhong Hu,Coupled Aero-hydrodynamic Analysis on a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under Extreme Sea Conditions,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 395-402
Aiqin Miao, Decheng Wan,CFD-Based Hull Form Optimization for Enhancement of Resistance and Seakeeping Performances,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 891-896
Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan,CFD Study of VIM of a Paired-Column Semi-Submersible Platform,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 693-700
Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan; Xinguo Yu, ,Standard Zigzag Maneuver Simulations in Calm Water and Waves with Direct Propeller and Rudder,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp.1042-1048
Dongya He, Decheng Wan, Xinguo Yu,Numerical Investigation of Open-Water Performance of Contra-Rotating Propellers,Proceedings of the Twenty-seven (2017) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference San Francisco, California, USA, June 25-30, 2017 , pp. 1085-1090
Jianhua Wang,Decheng Wan,Numerical investigations of free running ship in bow quartering waves under course keeping control,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1484-1491
缪爱琴,刘鑫旺,万德成,基于MOPSO 算法的船舶兴波阻力多目标船型优化,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1364-1373
Aiqin Miao,Xinwang Liu,Decheng Wan,Ship’ multi-objective optimization of wave-making resistance based on MOPSO,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1364-1373
夏可,万德成,基于CFD 方法近岛礁地形波浪演化及半潜式平台运动性能的数值分析,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.982-991
Ke Xia,Decheng Wan,Numerical solution of hydrodynamic stability equation of unbounded domain flow with coordinate transform,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.982-991
Yong Ai,Ping Cheng,Decheng Wan,Numerical simulation of wake interaction between two wind turbines based on actuator line model,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.753-761
Weiwen Zhao,Decheng Wan,Numerical simulation of deep draft semi-submersible at different reduced velocities,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.992-1004
Dongya He,Decheng Wan,Numerical investigation of open water performance of CRPs under different blade number ratio,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1005-1012
Bowen Fu,Muyu Duan,Decheng Wan,Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser under a swaying platform,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1012-1023
Cong Liu,Jianhua Wang,Decheng Wan,Computation of wave drift forces and motions for DTC ship in,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1374-1382
Ping Cheng,Yang Huang,Decheng Wan,Tower shadow effect on aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.762-771
庄园,万德成,FPSO 运动与液舱晃荡全耦合的数值模拟,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1383-1390
Yuan Zhuang,Decheng Wan,Fully coupled analysis of FPSO ship motion with partially filled sloshing tanks,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1383-1390
文潇,张友林,万德成,基于MPS 方法模拟被动式减摇水舱的晃荡,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1391-1398
Xiao Wen,Youlin Zhang,Decheng Wan,Three-dimensional numerical simulation of passive rectangular anti-roll tank by MPS method,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1391-1398
Lurong Xu,Decheng Wan,Study on the energy-saving mechanism of propeller boss cap fins based on CFD,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1399-1406
Siming Li,Zhenghao Liu,Decheng Wan,Numerical simulation study on the effect of filleting radius of flow past a semi-submersible platform,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1024-1035
Xin Tian,Xiang Chen,Decheng Wan,Numerical study on gradual dam-break by MPS method,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1036-1047
陈泰文,何东亚,万德成,SST-DES 方法计算分析水下机器人的水动力性能,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1048-1058
Taiwen Chen,Dongya He,Decheng Wan,Application of SST-DES in numerical simulation of hydrodynamic performance of autonomous & remotely-operated vehicle,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1048-1058
张友林, 万德成,用MPS-FEM方法数值研究三维溃坝对弹性壁面的冲击作用,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1059-1065
Youlin Zhang,Decheng Wan,Numerical simulation of dam breaking flow interacting with elastic wall by MPS-FEM coupled method,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1059-1065
Di Deng,Bowen Fu,Decheng Wan,,Vortex-induced vibration of a flexible cylinder in an oscillatory flow,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1132-1145
漆小舟,万德成,基于CFD 计算水下机器人水动力导数,第十四届全国水动力学学术会议暨第二十八届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2017年8月8-13日,长春,PP.1154-1162
Xiaozhou Qi,Decheng Wan,Calculation on hydrodynamic derivatives of Underwater Vehicle based on CFD,Proceedings of 14th National Conference of Hydrodynamics,Changchun,China,August 8-13,2017,PP.1154-1162
Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan,Breaking Wave Simulations of High-speed Surface Combatant using OpenFOAM,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.841-852
Ping Cheng, Yong Ai, Decheng Wan,Unsteady Aerodynamic Simulation of Offshore Wind Turbines with Wave-wind Interaction,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.862-874
Cong Liu, Jianhua Wang, Decheng Wan,The Numerical Investigation on Hydrodynamic Performance of Twisted Rudder during Selfpropulsion,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.934-943
Bowen Fu, Di Deng, Decheng Wan,Numerical Study of Riser Vibration Due to Top-End Platform Motion,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.944-951
Ke Xia, Decheng Wan,Effects of wave steepness on wave breaking properties over submerged reef,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.952-961
Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan,CFD Simulation of Flow around a Fixed Paired-Column Semi-Submersible,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.962-971
Aiqin Miao, Decheng Wan,Ship optimization design of the resistance and seakeeping performance based on CFD,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.972-981
Dongya He, Decheng Wan,Numerical investigation of open water performance of hybrid CRP podded propulsion system,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.982-993
Xiang Chen, Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan,GPU Acceleration of MPS for Three-Dimensional Sloshing,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.994-1007
Zhenghao Liu, Decheng Wan,Numerical Simulation of Regular Waves onto a Vertical Circular Cylinder,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.1008-1018
Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan,The fully coupled effects of FPSO with different filling ratio tanks in CFD method,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.1055-1065
Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan,Three-dimensional Simulation of Liquid Sloshing in an Elastic Tank,Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2017),25-29 July 2017, Guilin, Guangxi, China,PP.821-833
王 哲,付博文,万德成,平台垂荡运动对深海立管涡激振动的影响分析,第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,2017年9月22-25日,浙江舟山,PP.617-622
黄 扬,程 萍,万德成,不同叶尖速比浮式风机气动-水动耦合动力计算分析,第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,2017年9月22-25日,浙江舟山,PP.674-684
段鑫泽,艾 勇,万德成,平台纵荡运动对浮式风机非稳态气动性影响的数值分析,第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,2017年9月22-25日,浙江舟山,PP.666-673
李 奇,万德成,单点系泊FPSO在波浪中水动力性能CFD数值分析,第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,2017年9月22-25日,浙江舟山,PP.585-591
何佳伟,赵伟文,万德成,DES 方法数值模拟带螺旋侧板Spar 平台扰流问题,第十八届中国海洋(岸)工程学术讨论会论文集,2017年9月22-25日,浙江舟山,PP.573-578
Xinze Duan,Yong Ai,Decheng Wan,Numerical study of aerodynamic for three wind turbines with two different layouts,The Third International Conference for Innovation and Cooperation of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Marine Renewable Energy sub Forum (ICNAME 2017-MRE),7-9 September 2017,Qingdao China,PP.71-78
Yang Huang,Ping Cheng,Decheng Wan,Numerical analysis of a floating offshore wind turbine by coupled aero-hydrodynamic simulation,The Third International Conference for Innovation and Cooperation of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Marine Renewable Energy sub Forum (ICNAME 2017-MRE),7-9 September 2017,Qingdao China,PP.79-88
Di Wang,Ke Xia,Decheng Wan,Numerical investigation of hydrodynamic responses of point absorb wave energy device,The Third International Conference for Innovation and Cooperation of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Marine Renewable Energy sub Forum (ICNAME 2017-MRE),7-9 September 2017,Qingdao China,PP.64-70
Xiang Chen, Decheng Wan, The Simulation of Three-Dimensional Flow by Using GPU-based MPS Method, International SPHERIC (SPH European Research Interest Community) Workshop, Beijing, China, Oct.17-20, 2017, pp. 149-156
Xiao Wen, Decheng Wan, Numerical Simulation of Rayleigh-Taylor Instability by Multiphase MPS Method, International SPHERIC (SPH European Research Interest Community) Workshop, Beijing, China, Oct.17-20, 2017, pp. 57-62
Youlin Zhang, Decheng Wan, Implement of the MPS-FEM Coupled Method for the FSI Simulation of the 3-D Dam-break Problem, International SPHERIC (SPH European Research Interest Community) Workshop, Beijing, China, Oct.17-20, 2017, pp. 43-49
Chengping Rao and Decheng Wan, Investigation of Interaction between Solitary Wave and Horizontal Plate based on MPS-FEM Coupled Method, International SPHERIC (SPH European Research Interest Community) Workshop, Beijing, China, Oct.17-20, 2017
Jianhua Wang, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan, Numerical comparative study of viscous flows around JBC ship by DDES and RANS methods,International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Yang Huang, Ping Cheng, Decheng Wan, Influence of Wind Shear Model on Coupled Areo-hydrodynamics of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Chengping Rao and Decheng Wan, Analysis of interaction between three dimensional dam-break flow and flexible plate based on MPS-FEM coupled method, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Di Deng, Bowen Fu and Decheng Wan, Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a flexible cylinder experiencing combined uniform and oscillatory flow, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Zhe Wang, Bowen Fu, Decheng Wan, Effect of Heave Motions of the Platform on the VIV of a Top Tensioned Riser, International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Xiao Wen, Xiang Chen, Decheng Wan, Numerical Simulation of Tuned Liquid Damper Filled with Different Fluids by MPS Method,International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Aiqin Miao, Taiwen Chen, Decheng Wan, Robust design optimization of ship hull form based on CFD considering uncertainty,International Conference on Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems, Chengdu, China, Oct.15-18, 2017
Kangdi Xie, Weiwen Zhao, Decheng Wan, Numerical investigation on vortex-induced motions of a buoyancy can,International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Keelung,Taiwan, China, Nov.5-8, 2017
Yong Ai, Ping Cheng, Decheng Wan, Numerical validation of aerodynamics for two in-line model wind turbines usingactuator line model and CFD technique,International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Keelung,Taiwan, China, Nov.5-8, 2017
Xinwang Liu, Aiqin Miao, Decheng Wan, CFD-based Hull Form Multi-objective Optimization for Better Resistance and Wake Performances,International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Keelung,Taiwan, China, Nov.5-8, 2017
Di Wang, Ke Xia, Decheng Wan, Numerical calculation and analysis of hydrodynamic performance of a cylindrical oscillating float wave energy absorption device,International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Keelung,Taiwan, China, Nov.5-8, 2017
Yuan Zhuang, Decheng Wan, Fully coupled effects on waves and barge with single sloshing tank by CFD methods,International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Keelung,Taiwan, China, Nov.5-8, 2017
缪爱琴,刘鑫旺,万德成,基于MOPSO 算法的船舶兴波阻力多目标船型优化,第六届海峡两岸水动力学研讨会,2017年10月30日-11月04日,台湾高雄
庄园,万德成,FPSO 耐波性运动与液舱晃荡全耦合数值模拟,第六届海峡两岸水动力学研讨会,2017年10月30日-11月04日,台湾高雄