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Prof.Decheng Wan
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       Wan Decheng, the Ministry of education of Yangtze River scholar Professor, the Distinguished professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, one of Shanghai outstanding academic leaders, The Shanghai East scholar ( tracks plan) professor, the Doctoral Tutor, the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Fund Winner, the Ministry of Education New century talents scheme winner, the Adjunct professor of Strathclyde university and Dalian University of Technology, the Vice dean of Science and Technology Development Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Deputy Dean of advanced Technology and Equipment Research Institute (presiding) and the Director of Marine and Ocean Engineering computational hydrodynamics Center.

Educational experience:

      1990/09-1994/01: Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of naval and ocean engineering, PhD, learning from Professor Liu Yingzhong.
    1987/09-1990/07: Dalian University of Technology, Department of naval engineering, Master Degree, learning from professor Wang Yanying.  
    1983/09-1987/07: Dalian University of Technology, Department of Ship and Marine engineering, Bachelor Degree.

Scientific research and academic work experience:

  1. 2017/05-present:the Vice dean of Science and Technology Development Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Deputy Dean of advanced Technology and Equipment Research Institute (presiding), distinguished professor, class two professor
  2. 2015/01-2017/05: the vice dean and distinguished professor of school of naval architecture, ocean and civil engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong university
  3. 2006/01-2014/12: a professor and doctoral tutor of school of naval architecture, ocean and civil engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong university, vice dean of Ship and Marine engineering, vice director of submarine engineering institute
  4. 2012/09-2012/12: a visiting professor of department of physics, astronomy and computational science, George Mason University
  5. 2010/06-2010/09: a visiting professor of department of applied mathematics, Michigan State University
  6. 2008/01-2008/03: a visiting professor of department of mechanical engineering, Hong Kong University
  7. 2001/04-2005/12: a BAT IIa Wissenschaftliche Angestellter of department of applied mathematics, Dortmund University
  8. 1999/04-2001/02: a Senior Research Fellow of department of Computational Science, Singapore National University
  9. 1998/01-1999/02: a Research Fellow of the Royal Society of department of mechanical engineering, University College London
  10. 1996/07-1997/12:a vice professor of Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and mechanics, Shanghai University
  11. 1994/02-1996/06:a lecture of Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and mechanics, Shanghai University

Part-time academic journals:

  1. 2013.12-present: an editorial board of Ocean Engineering
  2. 2013.6-present: an editorial board of Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy
  3. 2012.10-present: an editorial board of Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering
  4. 2015.1-present: an editorial board of Journal of Ocean Science and Technology
  5. 2011.9-present: an editorial board of Journal of Marine Science and Applications
  6. 2013.4-present: an editorial board of International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
  7. 2006.8-present: an editorial board of Research and development of hydrodynamics
  8. 2016.8-present: a vice editor and executive editorial board of Journal of Hydrodynamics
  9. 2012.12-present: an editorial board of Journal of Mechanics
  10. 2014.12-present: an editorial board of Journal of Marine Mechanics
  11. 2015.9-present: an editorial board of Journal of Marine Engineering
  12. 2011.5-present: an editorial board of Journal of Chinese Ship Research

Part-time academic organization:

  1. 2017-present, an Advisory Committee Member, International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
  2. 2017-present, Board of Directors Member, International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering, (ISOPE)
  3. 2011-2017, Specialist Committee Member, International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC)
  4. 2008-present, Technical Program Committee Member, International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE)
  5. 2017-present, Chair of Hydrodynamics Committee, International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE)
  6. 2016-present, Steering Committee Member, CFD Workshop in Ship Hydrodynamics
  7. 2016-present, Standing Council Member, International Chinese Association of Computational Mechanics
  8. 2015-present, Standing Committee Member, International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics (IWSH)
  9. 2012-present, Member of International Advisory Committee, KAIST, Korea
  10. 2016-present, deputy director of design professional academic committee, Institute of Shanghai Ship and Ocean engineering
  11. 2014-present, deputy head of Computational fluid dynamics, China Shipbuilding Engineering Academy Board of Ship Mechanics Institute
  12. 2015-present, member of Military Oceanographic Professional Committee, China Ocean Institute
  13. 2012-present, executive director, Shanghai mechanics Association
  14. 2016-present, vice president of the British Branch, Shanghai European and American Alumni Association
  15. 2016-present, member of new numerical methods and applications, China Institute of Mechanics, computational mechanics Professional Committee
  16. 2016-present, special committee of computational mechanics, China Mechanics Institute
  17. 2016-present, Committee member, south calculation mechanics contact committee
  18. 2012-present, committee member, Department of Mechanics, Fu Dan University Academic Committee
  19. 2014-present, member of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Marine Research Institute Appointment Committee
  20. 2015-present, Editorial board of Shanghai Jiao Tong University shipping museum publication editorial committee


  1. 2017, top1% Outstanding Bachelor of Science Thesis Tutor Award in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  2. 2017, Shanghai Outstanding Academic leaders
  3. 2016, Class two professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  4. 2016, excellent teachers of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  5. 2016, "Ship Fluid Mechanics" course was appraised as Excellent Course of Shanghai Universities.
  6. 2016, "The ship hydrodynamics curriculum interaction heuristic teaching system" was awarded the first prize for teaching achievements of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  7. 2015, Distinguished Professors of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  8. 2014, Distinguished Professor, Changjiang Scholar, Ministry of Education
  9. 2014, top1% Outstanding Bachelor of Science Thesis Tutor Award in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  10. 2013, Shanghai Oriental Scholar Distinguished Professor, (tracking program)
  11. 2013, excellent teachers of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  12. 2012, Best Branch Organization Award of International Society of Ocean and Polar Engineering (ISOPE)
  13. 2011, Outstanding Review Expert of “Chinese ship Research”
  14. 2011, Shanghai Magnolia Technology Talent Fund
  15. 2010, Outstanding Review Expert of "Chinese Science and technology Paper Online"
  16. 2010, excellent teachers of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  17. 2010, "Ship Fluid Mechanics" course was appraised as Excellent Course of Shanghai Universities.
  18. 2009, Class three professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  19. 2008, The first Shanghai Oriental scholar Distinguished Professor。
  20. 2008, Shanghai Magnolia Technology Talent Fund
  21. 2007, the major Project Training Fund of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  22. 2006, Ministry of Education New Century talents plan
  23. 2006, Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program
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