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​Conferences in 2020:


  1. Conference Name: SIMMAN 2020

    Date: April 6-8, 2020
    Location: Songdo, Incheon, Korea
    Website: http://simman2019.kr/index.php
    Important Dates: February 2019: 3rd announcement/ Website released/ Data available.
                                 November 8, 2019: Submission of data. 
                                 February 1, 2020: Submission of papers and posters.
     Download:Call for participants for third SIMMAN workshop-announcement
  2. Conference Name: 33rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics (33rd SNH)

    Date: May 31 - June 5, 2020
    Location: Osaka, Japan
    Website: https://33snh-naoe.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
    Important Dates: April 15,2019: Abstracts due.
                                 July 15,2019: Abstract acceptance mailing date.
                                 January 15, 2020: Paper due.
                                 February 15, 2020: Paper acceptance notification.
                                 April 17,2020: Early registration deadline.
                                 May 1,2020: Final paper due.
  3. Conference Name: The 30th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference                                                   (ISOPE'2020)

    Date: June 14-19, 2019
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, America
    Website: https://www.isope.org/
    Important Date: October 20, 2019: Abstract Submission
                                January 15, 2020: Manuscript for Review
                                March 24, 2020: Final Manuscript due
  4. Conference Name: The 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering                                               (OMAE'2020)

    Date: June 28 - July 3, 2019
    Location: Diplomat Beach Resort, Fort Lauderdale, USA
    Website: https://event.asme.org/OMAE
    Important Date:December 02, 2019: Submission of Abstract
                               December 02, 2019: Abstract Accept/Reject Notification
                               January 13, 2020: Draft Paper Submission
                               February 10, 2020: Draft Paper Reviews Completed
                               February 17, 2020: Draft Paper Accept/Reject/Revision Requested Notification
                               February 17, 2020: Copyright Process Opens
                               March 02, 2020: Submission of Revised Draft (if required)

Conferences in 2019:

  1. Conference Name: the 3rd International Symposium of Cavitation and Multiphase Flow (MARINE 2019)

    Date: Apirl 19-22, 2019
    Location: Shanghai, China
    Website: http://www. iscm2019.org
    Important Dates: November 15, 2018: Deadline for presenting a one page abstract
                                 December 15, 2019: Full Paper Submission
                                 Janunary 30, 2019: Paper Acceptance Notification
                                 March 15, 2019: Final Paper Submission
  2. Conference Name: MARINE 2019

    Date: May 13-15, 2019
    Location: Göteborg, Västra Götaland County, Sweden
    Website: http://congress.cimne.com/marine2019/frontal/default.asp
    Important Dates: December 15, 2018: Deadline for presenting a one page abstract
                                 January 25, 2019: Acceptance of the contributions
                                 February 7, 2019: Deadline for presenting author's registration and early payment
                                 March 1, 2019: Deadline for submitting the full paper (not mandatory)
  3. Conference Name: The 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering                                               (OMAE'2019)

    Date: June 9-14, 2019
    Location: Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
    Website: https://event.asme.org/OMAE
    Important Date:October 15, 2018: Submission of Abstract
                               January 07, 2019: Submission of Full-Length Paper for Review (Note: In order to submit a draft paper for review, authors must have set up an account and submitted a paper title and abstract, as described above).
                               February 04, 2019: Paper Reviews Completed
                               March 25, 2019: Submission of Final Paper
                               April 12, 2019: Author Registration Deadline, Final Papers Available Online
                               April 26, 2019: Program Output
  4. Conference Name: The 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference                                                   (ISOPE'2019)

    Date: June 16-21, 2019
    Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, America
    Website: http://legacy.isope.org/conferences/conferences.htm
    Important Date: October 20, 2018: Abstract Submission
                                January 15, 2019: Manuscript for Review
                                March 24, 2019: Final Manuscript due
     Download:CALL-2019 Honolulu-1020DL-0831
                        01-Call-ISOPE2019-IHC-Comparative Study-YXM-DCW-0911
                        02-Call-ISOPE2019-IHC-Comparative Study-YK-0911
  5. Conference Name: The 10th International Conference on Computational Methods                                                        (ICCM'2019)

    Date: July 9-13, 2019
    Location: Singapore
    Website: http://www.sci-en-tech.com/ICCM2019/
    Important Dates: December 1, 2018: Registration Start
                                 December 31, 2018: Mini-Symposium Title Submission Due
                                 Feburary 28, 2019: Deadline for Abstracts or Papers
                                 March 30, 2019: Notification of Acceptance of Abstracts and Papers
                                 April 30, 2019: Deadline for Early-Bird Registration Payment
                                 May 30, 2019: Deadline for Regular Registration Payment
                                 June 9, 2019: Deadline for Revised Abstracts or Final Papers
  6. Conference Name: OpenFOAM Workshop 2019

    Date: July 23-26, 2019
    Location: Duisburg, Germany
    Website: http://www.sci-en-tech.com/ICCM2019/
    Important Dates: April 26, 2019: Deadline abstract submission
                                 May 17, 2019: End Early-bird registration
                                 May 31, 2019: Notification of acceptance
                                 July 14, 2019: Release of the final program
  7. Conference Name: The 11th (2019) International Workshop on Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics                                               (IWMH'2019)

    Date: September 22-25, 2019
    Location: Hamburg, Germany
    Website: https://iwsh2019.fds.tu-harburg.de/
    Important Dates: December 14, 2018: Abstract Submission
                                 February 15, 2019: Notification of Abstract Acceptance
                                 May 31, 2019: Submission of Full Papers
                                 June 28, 2019: Early Registration Deadline
  8. Conference Name: The 30th (2019) National Symposium on Hydrodynamics & The 15th National
                                  Conference on Hydrodynamics

    Date: August 16-19, 2019
    Location: Hefei, Anhui, China
    Website: http://www.jhydrodynamics.com/
    Important Dates: April 15, 2019: Submission of Abstract
                                 May 15, 2019: Submission of Full Papers
  9. Conference Name: The 4th International Conference on Particle-Based Methods (PARTICLES'2019)

    Date: October 28-30, 2019
    Location: Barcelona, Catalan, Spain
    Website: http://congress.cimne.com/particles2019/frontal/default.asp
    Important Dates: March 29, 2019: Presenting a one page abstract
                                  May 10, 2019: Acceptance of the contributions
                                  June 28, 2019: Submitting the full paper, presenting author's registration and early payment
  10. Conference Name: The 13th ISOPE Pacific Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (PACOMS'2018)

    Date: October 22-24, 2018
    Location: Jeju Island, Korea
    Website: http://www.isope.org/index.php/conferences-symposia-and-workshops/
  11. Conference Name: The 4th Deepwater Energy Conference

    Date: November 8-9, 2018
    Location: Haikou, Hainan Province, China
    Website: http://www.dec2018.com/
  12. Conference Name: The 5th National Conference on CFD of ship and ocean engineering

    Date: November 22-24, 2018
    Location: Shanghai, China
    Download: Call for paper 
  13. Conference Name: International Academic Research Exchange Workshop on Ship and Ocean
                                  Engineering (SOE Workshop)

    Location: Dalian, Liaoning Province, China
    Download:2018-SOE Workshop

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