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Wang Jianhua, Ph.D. student of the research group, won the Best Student Report Award of the 12th OpenFOAM® Workshop
Editor by:【admin】     On:【2017-7-28】
       On July 24-27, 2017, the 12th OpenFOAM Workshop was held at Exeter University in the UK, attracting more than 250 experts and scholars from all over the world interested in OpenFOAM research, software development and application. Professor Wan Decheng, director of Shanghai Jiaotong University’s Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory (CMHL), led doctoral students Wang Jianhua and Zhao Weiwen to attend the meeting. OpenFOAM is the most popular and widely used open source software platform in the field of computational fluid dynamics. OpenFOAM is the most popular and widely used open source software platform in the field of computational fluid dynamics. The annual International OpenFOAM Workshop is the most influential international conference in this field. It brings together the best research scholars and experts from universities, research institutes, companies, industry, and software development companies in the global CFD field to Jointly discuss the latest research progress and future development trends of OpenFOAM. The first international OpenFOAM Workshop was held in Croatia in 2006 and held annually thereafter. It has been held in Italy, Canada, Sweden, the United States, the Netherlands, Portugal and the United Kingdom. The international OpenFOAM Workshop set up 26 sub-venues, more than 100 papers for conference reporting, and each report was discussed for 30 minutes. The experts and scholars and young students attending the meeting had a in-depth exchange and discussion on each report. The International OpenFOAM Academic Committee has set up a "Best Student Presentation Award" at the seminar to encourage and recognize young students who have done outstanding research work on the OpenFOAM platform. As a research team that started OpenFOAM research and development earlier in China, Professor Wan Decheng’s team has done a very good job. Wang Jianhua and Zhao Weiwen, two doctoral students, exchanged the research on the solution of the ship's propeller and rudder coupling motion based on overset grid technology and the research on the maneuverability of the ship in waves in recent years, which has aroused the interest of experts and scholars attending the meeting. Professors like Eric Paterson of Virginia Tech, Spain, Dr Gabriel Barajas of the Spanish Coastal Hydrodynamics and Facilities Construction Group, Dr. Vuko Vukcevic of the University of Zagreb, Croatia, and Prof. Hrvoje Jasak highly praised the work and also expressed their hope to strengthen cooperation in future research.
       Among all of the presentations, an academic report titled "Overset grid in naoe-FOAM-SJTU solver with applications to naval hydrodynamics" presented by Wang Jianhua, after the organizing committee's review of the papers and the appraisal of the presentation of the lectures on the site, stood out from other reports presented by students, winning the only one Best Student Report Award and £250 bonus.
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