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Professor Wan Decheng attended the Shanghai Society of Mechanics and won the award
Editor by:【admin】     On:【2015-12-22】
       The Twelfth Second Council of the Shanghai Society of Mechanics, the Second Session of the Twelfth Member Congress and the 2016 Tea Party were grandly held in the Shanghai Construction Engineering Group Engineering Research Institute. President Xu Jian, Xue Leiping, Ye Guoqiang, Guo Xingming, Gong Jian, Vice Chairman Tu Shandong, and Supervisor Shi Beiling attended the meeting with more than 80 directors and members. The meeting specially invited previous leaders Fang Ruhua, Zhong Zheng, and Weng Peifen to attend the meeting. Prof. Wan Decheng and group member Meng Qingjie attended the meeting. Professor Wan Decheng was awarded the 2015 Advanced Member of the Shanghai Society of Mechanics, and Meng Qingjie won the 2015 Outstanding Student Award.


       In the end, Xu Jian made an important speech, he briefly introduced the priorities of the current session of the Society, and wished all the members a happy new year. The meeting ended in a lively and peaceful atmosphere.
       Thanks to Shanghai Construction Engineering Group!
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