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Prof. Wan Decheng won the 2016 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Outstanding Teacher Award
Editor by:【admin】     On:【2016-9-25】
     Autumn September, fruitful! Prof. Wan Decheng won the second prize for outstanding teachers in the 2016 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Outstanding Teacher Award. Professor Wan Decheng has always been conscientious, pragmatic, meticulous in teaching and scientific research. Since 2013, he has hosted and participated in 18 research projects, published more than 100 papers, and obtained 8 software copyrights and patents. He is currently presiding over the research and development of the VIV/VIM software system development project of the Key Innovation Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Prof. Wan Decheng attaches great importance to the achievement of scientific research and integrates it into teaching, he always adheres to the student-centered teaching philosophy, and adopts heuristic, discussion-based, research-based and interactive teaching methods to cultivate students' innovative learning and scientific research capabilities. The undergraduate professional basic course “Marine Fluid Mechanics”, which he lectured, formed a set of effective teaching system through effective reform and innovation and it was popular with students. This course passed the acceptance of 985 three high-quality key courses of the school in 2014 and was funded in the English course construction. In 2015, it was awarded funding by the Shanghai Undergraduate Key course Program. In 2016, it was awarded the Shanghai University Excellent Course Award. In addition, Prof. Wan Decheng also give courses for graduate students and doctoral students titled "Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics" and "Professional English for Ships and Marine Engineering". In the past three years, he had instructed 15 undergraduates on their dissertations, 6 of them were awarded excellent undergraduate papers and 1 was awarded TOP 1% Excellent Undergraduate Design Paper Award. Also,he had instructed 9 doctoral students, 16 master students, and 1 postdoctoral fellow. He has been responsible for hosting the International Summer School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering and this promotes the international education and enhances the international influence of our school.


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