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Liu xinwang won the third prize in the first Marine Engineering Innovation competition
Editor by:【admin】     On:【2016-12-9】
    On the afternoon of December 9th, 2016, the final of the first Marine Engineering Innovation Contest was successfully completed in Shanghai jiaotong university. Under the guidance of professor Wan Decheng, the team by Liu xinwang, Wang zhe, Wu di, Xie kangdi relying on a new design of the underwater research base won the third prize.

    Marine Engineering Innovation Contest is hosted by Graduate Union and Marine institute of Shanghai Jiaotong University, and organized by The 1985 annual Marine Department Alumni, Computational Marine Hydrodynamics Lab and institute of ship and institute of ship and ocean engineering structure mechanics. It lasted nearly three months from the collection of works to the final. The competition aims to give students a broader developing, achieve the excellent ideas and inject momentum to the development of Ocean technology.

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